Wednesday 19 February 2014


"Your child has the right to get most out of life"

This means he needs an enriched environment that provides both the physical challenges and the sensory stimulation needed to nourish his growing brain.

Unlike the past, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are not always around to provide spontaneous imaginative recreational activities for them. Busy schedule of young parents and disinterested maids have generally reduced the quantity and quality of attention babies receive. Congested cities like Mumbai provide limited access to clean wide open environments where children can develop vital motor skills.

SIS Preps MnM’s (Mommy and Me) program is a unique playful parenting program keyed to your child’s developmental needs. Our "playscapes" are designed to provide the multi-sensory stimulation he needs in a safe controlled environment under professionally supervised condition.

It is a unique concept in physical fitness, body awareness, special perception and sensory integration. Our coordinators will lead you through a series of specially designed developmental movements, reflexes set to actions and assisted exercise, music so you and your infant work together at your own pace allowing endless opportunity for fun laughter and love through play with sand, water, paint, books, puppets and much more, babies explore their world building confidence in you, themselves and their world, while parents enjoy the rare opportunity to focus completely on the child without distraction of any kind.

The most important element of our program is FUN and both you and your child will appreciate our YES environment with no right or wrong ways to do anything. Just praise and support your infant with applause, hugs and kisses and watch his self - confidence grow by heaps and bounds.

Expert opinion on this is uniform and emphatic. A child's mental growth is directly keyed to the qualities of physical and sensory stimulation he receives.

Children naturally grained towards sensory and movement activities so as they tumble, crawl, explore touch, see and listen. They are learning how to use their bodies, how to relate to the world and forming the basis of the sensory integration, vital for the physical and intellectual skills required for their later years.


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